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Children of Zion Village

Children of Zion Village is a Christ-centered organization which raises orphaned and vulnerable children by educating, equipping, and empowering them to be future leaders in Namibia. 

Our Vision

  • Raise Orphaned & Vulnerable Children

    We provide residential care for children whose families have been impacted by the AIDS epidemic or whose families are unable to provide basic needs for them.

  • Disciple Them in Faith

    We raise these beautiful children in a Christ-centered environment. They receive a Christian education and are shown the love of Jesus by our staff and donors.

  • Equip Future Leaders

    We impart skills to our children that empower them to be confident and productive members of their communities when they leave our village.

Our Work

Nestled along the banks of the Zambezi River in Namibia, Children of Zion Village is a residential care center for children. It was established in 2003 in response to the AIDS epidemic that ravaged sub-Saharan Africa. It is funded by private donors and partnering churches led by Mt. Zion Church located in Bel Air, Maryland.

Today, we house 58 children ages birth through age 20. We employ 25 local Namibians who serve as managers, house mothers, and maintenance workers. We also partner with the Mafuta feeding center to provide daily meals for over 250 children living in nearby villages.

In 2023, we celebrate our 20th anniversary of raising the children God has entrusted to us. We are so grateful to our faithful donors who have made it possible to keep our doors open. We invite you to partner with us in this important work!

Sponsor a child for $35 a month

Children of Zion Village is a trusted 501c3 Nonprofit Organization.

EIN #30-0195571